Mock Tails

[Please note the title of this post should be sung to the tune of the theme from Duck Tales] I am really struggling with a lack of complexity more than anything actually specifically alcohol related, so thought I’d have an experiment with mocktails, to see if they give me more depth than standard soft drinks….

Nerdy NotBooze

I have gone quiet again. I actually have a few blog posts lined up and ready to go, but I’ve put them on hold. for reasons that will shortly become apparent. I’ve spent a big chunk of the past 18 months trying to buy a house. When sorting out the in case something bad happens…

Baking a la Bordelaise

I love Bordeaux. Shocking, I know. In this particular case I’m not talking about the wine, which I do also love, but the town itself. We’re currently in lockdown. We’ve been in and out of it since March and I’ve not ventured outside of the M25 (London orbital road) at all during that time. This…


Upon rediscovering this blog, I rediscovered this post. How naive that turned out to be. I am now proud holder of WSET3 (with distinction, as well as the same for 2) and French, Spanish and Italian Wine Scholar qualifications (all with highest honours. Entirely unsurprisingly I got completely hooked on wine education. Level 1 was…

Bojo Nuvo

No, this is not an ode to our highly esteemed Prime Minister. I am talking about Beaujolais Nouveau. Beaujolais is (most traditionally) a red wine from around Lyon in Eastern France. It’s made with the wildly unfashionable Gamay grape and is a generally a fruit forward, easy drinking style. Because of this easy drinking style…

Mulling things over

I have a long history with mulled wine/gluhwein/vin chaud or whatever else warm wine with spices in happens to be called in different cultures/parts of the zeitgeist (my favourite being Glogg, because it’s really nice to say). I’ve used it to accidentally get an astrophysics department at a top university wasted and to choosing a…

On being a wine wanker

On the eve of London Wine Week (yay!) I thought I’d take some time to witter on about wine. Increasingly over the past year or so wine has become my drink. This is both utterly unsurprising, and, given my love of beer and cocktails, completely shocking. There’s a lot of reasons why this is the…

Week Week Prep!

WINE WEEK! It’s time for London Wine Week again! They’ve stopped doing the by location book and replaced it with an app. While this works when you’re on the ground, it’s not so helpful for the obsessive nerds among us who want to plan. As a result of this I have prepared! I’ve put together…

Top 5 Bars – Beer Edition

London is a great place for beer at the moment. There’s plenty of fantastic pubs and loads of amazing breweries. Following on from my “where I like to go for cocktails” is the beer edition. I’m focusing on places that sell different beers, rather than brewery taprooms, which I may include later. Due to being…


I’ve just been to a wine tasting. I tried 14 wines. I liked none of them. It wasn’t that any of them was intrinsically bad per se (actually, that’s unfair, one of them really was), they were just all decidedly meh. G-FORCE German wine fair is currently still going on in the basement of a…

City Wine Fair

I went to The City Wine Fair yesterday. Today I am feeling a little rough. Surprising! It was… mixed. There were some excellent wines and some great people who loved talking about wine. There were also some mediocre wine that was massively overpriced and some people who really didn’t care (despite in theory being there…

It’s been a while!

Hello Internet! I’ve not been writing for ages*. Sorry. I shifted from computer programming and data analysis to writing for a living and it made blogging feel too much like work. It also made me a bit miserable, but that’s something I’m now working on. One of the ways I’m working on it is to…